
Periodontology operates in preserving the health of the supporting tissues of the teeth. Health of the supporting structure is a prerequisite for the health of teeth.


The first step after diagnosis of some form of periodontal disease is the initial periodontal therapy. It involves cleaning the teeth of calculus, soft deposits and discolorations and removal of infected tissue on the surface of the root.Following is cleaning and polishing of the teeth above and below the gums,thereby reducing the amount of bacteria in the periodontal pocket. If there was no healing of diseases or conditions with initial therapy,what followes is a surgical therapy;

From simpler methods which will remove surgical periodontal pocket,to more complex procedures which with the help of artificial or natural bone will try to compensate for the loss of bone around the teeth. For surgical periodontal therapy to give the best results, we use a special material called Emdogain which promotes regeneration of the hard and soft tissue lost due to periodontal disease.

Health of the supporting structure is a prerequisite for the health of teeth.

Problems with gums?

Many factors, such as a weakened immune system, genetic predisposition or smoking, influence the development and the spread of periodontal disease. Among the most common is gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis ( bacterial infection of the tissue around the tooth which causes a gradual withdrawal of the tissues around the teeth). Besides genetic preconditions, its causes can be found in local factors, such as plaque and tartar).

Parodontis and Implants

Often the question arises whether the implants are suitable for patients suffering from periodontal disease and the fate of these implants. Although such patients may be candidates for implants,the same should not be installed without the planned or carried out treatment of periodontal disease.If periodontal disease is under control, the implants will have the same success as in all other patients. The same bacteria that causes periodontitis can cause the inflammation around implant (peri-implantitis) and that can lead to loss of the implant, so it is necessary to treat her as soon as possible. Prevention is also a very important factor in preventing the occurrence of inflammatory processes – plaque control,maintenance of oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist are crucial to preserve the health of the oral cavity.

Can periodontal disease be cured?:

Yes. Treatment of periodontitis has been scientifically proven method of cure.It’s carried out in several steps,the ultimate goal is the removal of the inflammatory process and ensuring the health of the gums. Once the disease is cured, it does not mean that the it can not occur again, at the same or different location. Long-term periodontal health depends significantly on maintaince oral hygiene.

When should you visit a periodontist?

Bleeding gums is usually the first sign of alarm. Gingivitis is the initial form of inflammation, which may start periodontal disease. Some of the signs of periodontal disease are spacing and movement of the teeth (especially the front) and bigger or smaller movability of one or more teeth.